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Gilbert and Sullivan and the Truth about Public Relations
The iconic British dramatists and novelists and for most of us, their characters and settings, are a world unto themselves, at once real and mythological, and so too are the characters in many stage productions. A production, from initial casting to final curtain call, is a product of the talents of many people, and the facts about each of the players are as crucial as the final result. In PR, too, much of what we do is, in the truest sense of the word, theater.
For the stage in general, and for the theater in PR, such facts are often considered not only uninteresting, but, in certain cases, inappropriate. In this light, there is much truth in the old adage that truth is the first casualty of the press.
One of the reasons this happens is that many of us in PR often speak about ourselves as if we were merely good marketers with no regard for the truth, and while it is true that we sometimes become so identified with our product that we lose sight of who we are as people, in our hearts, we all know that in order to survive and thrive, we must be true to ourselves, even if it means some sacrifice, or we must admit that in a particular situation, we must be untruthful to survive. In the context of the theater world, some of this may be evident in the comments that playwrights make about their other plays, and some of it may be inherent in the genres of ac619d1d87
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